This morning I told him I needed to get the legal separation put in place so I could continue to get help with school finances. You see, I have to include his income when I do my FAFSA and that puts me out of any help with school. It isn’t that I want free school I just need to ensure I can get the loans when I need them. His income limits even that for me. That’s when he went into this whole idea of what he thinks about the whole thing.
The main points he made are these.
1. He wants it to be amicable (my word, not his).
2. Everything is debt so I can’t get anything.
3. It isn’t good for me at this time because I have a higher earning potential because of my higher education.
4. This could take a while.
Okay, here’s my take on these.
1. He wants me to walk away with nothing.
2. He wants me to think there is nothing.
3. He may be looking to get me for support.
4. I have no job. The longer we wait, the more likely it will be that he keeps everything because I’ll just walk away after getting tired of waiting.
The bottom line is this. I don’t trust him. He has made sure he has control of everything so I have no options at this point. In other words, although Wisconsin is a community property state, I’m responsible for half the debts but I have no say over anything. He has engineered everything this way and I’m stuck with it.
Every attorney I contacted required a retainer fee and I can’t do that. Why you ask? Because he has control of everything and I have nothing. So I’m not sure what he wants to do. I just know that I don’t trust him. And he’s earned my full distrust.
Don't that have free legal help there in wisconsin. Legal Aide or something like that. He is a jerk.
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